Stepping into the Unknown

Stepping into the Unknown

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For so many of us, it can be challenging to live in the unknown space, fearing change, and challenging ourselves into spaces we thought we would never go.  From new restaurants, promotions, shifting careers, leaving a partner, or moving out of state or even shifting out of old patterns of thinking and reacting. There is something that feels comforting in what we know even if we know it isn’t serving us or isn’t healthy. Somehow it feels less scary than stepping out into the unknown spaces and honoring what we know we need to do to move forward. 

I want you to know no one ever feels comfortable in change, it is something you have to lean into the discomfort in order to rise, but as you rise and begin to separate yourself from the old space you will begin to see the reward in this and feel more empowered in the process. 

Growth is like a muscle you need to work on it - to strengthen it and slowly over time it grows stronger and becomes easier to workout. It is about tuning into yourself and aligning with your truth and the more you challenge yourself to do this, the more you will begin to feel disconnected to moments when you are not in alignment. The more you honor your truth, the more you will begin to feel uncomfortable when you don’t honor yourself. You are far more incredible than you give yourself credit for! You can embrace the feelings of discomfort to get out of the unhealthy relationship you are in, or take the big career jump you have always wanted, or begin to speak to yourself with more love, or listen to your partner etc. The universe, if you allow it, will create the most magical life you have ever known if you learn to live in this uncomfortable space and free yourself from needing to be in the driver seat because it feels safe. 

Ask yourself, is what I am holding onto really honoring myself? If my friend or child was in this situation would I feel ok with it for them? If the answer is no, then it’s time to do a deep dive into your feelings and rise. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, don’t avoid or run away from them, feel them. Create space for yourself in this word, do not make yourself small anymore. Yes it is uncomfortable, it is not going to be rainbows and butterflies, it will feel heavy but once you clear the fog and begin to take back your life in a space of truth you will see that all this heaviness and clearing was completely worth it and you will begin to unfold all the beauty life has to offer you. 

I want you to know I speak to you from a space of having deep wounds within myself and having overcome them through looking at these wounds, healing them, and living a lot in uncomfortable spaces. It was hard for me at first and I spent a lot of time crying and feeling things I never felt. I have had to release energetically and emotionally and I have had to challenge many of my old ways of thinking, my old belief systems about myself and how I function in relationships. I can tell you I am in a space of trust and in alignment within and the universe has helped me rise out of deep trauma and into complete happiness in my life and continues to show me if I trust in my path and hold my space in this world through love and trust I can overcome and rise, and allow magic to embrace my life. 

Now is the time, I believe in you all! You can live through the uncomfortable spaces and hold yourself through deep clearing and heal! You are a gift and the universe is ready for you to start believing in yourself, so they can flood you with all the love, and happiness you deserve! You are enough! You are a gift! I believe in you! Have faith in who you are! 

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Episode 03 of Lightcast with Stephanie Gast Now Out!

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