Going with the Flow

Going with the Flow

Going with the flow can really create greater peace in one’s life, and understanding how to move through the challenge of this can remove obstacles in your life. 

To start this practice for yourself, begin to look at who you want to be in your own life and view this through the lens of letting go rather than attachment to what, when, and how this ends up. The universe has a bigger plan for us all than we realize and the more we resist this plan, the more curves we have to take along the way. Honoring yourself in this process is important because we are all human and have feelings and attachments to our life and the people around us which is ok and necessary to recognize this and then to surrender to the flow of life as much as you feel you can. If you don’t attach yourself to the outcome of a job interview or a friendship or even what time you get home from the grocery store you will find more peace in your life.

It can be scary to let go and flow with the universe especially when it is asking us to rise in a way we never have before or shift us in a different direction than we were heading. In these moments, trust the universe always has you and will never mislead you if you listen and flow with it. If you can envision a riverbed and how the water flows peacefully shifting around each rock, tree, and even flowing with the wind. Allow your own path to do the same.  Release and trust fully in the flow of your own life in your divine purpose and path rather than resisting each piece. Flow and allow for truth to fill your heart and guide you. Give yourself space to release and honor your emotions along the way, find your peace with things you need to let go and begin to let the universe guide you in each moment. 

Ask questions and listen to your inner guidance and be still enough to hear the truth. If you find yourself in resistance, stop and ask yourself what is the fear that is holding you back? What is the uncomfortableness in this? Then release this and move forward through each moment of resistance honoring your feelings and then flowing and holding space for your truth. 

I believe in you all! Trust in the flow of life!!!

Episode 05 of Lightcast with Stephanie Gast Now Available!

Episode 05 of Lightcast with Stephanie Gast Now Available!

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