Managing Overwhelm

Managing Overwhelm

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I know there are moments when everyone feels overwhelmed and tired, managing triggers occurring in their lives. When you are feeling like this, how do you remain positive and trust what you are feeling is temporary? How do you overcome and find balance within? I know life has its moments when you feel the walls are caving in and you don’t know how to move forward or even what direction is forward. Right now, I want you to know you are not alone and many others have had experiences like this in their life. I want you to begin to reflect back on another moment you felt this way and begin to see how you overcame it? 

First and foremost, look back and see you did get out of it, you were able to shift into a better space and acknowledge you did this once before. Even if it was not often, lift yourself up and know you can do it again. Believe in yourself. Keep fighting for who you are and your higher peace. 

Acknowledge you did this for yourself and then begin to reflect back on what helped you shift out of it. Who was there to support you or give you guidance? What did you shift within yourself and your own process to lift yourself back out? What self-love practices or tools did you use that you found helpful? Begin to see yourself in your own strengths and take it one step at a time. Clear the fear or feeling of doubt in yourself. Clear the false belief that this experience is permanent and shift into the mindset everything is temporary, and you can choose to shift anything at any given moment. You can shift your environment, or more importantly how you chose to see your situation and begin to look at it through a lens of empowerment instead of feeling powerless. Focus on small shifts that will guide you --  if it is seeing the gratitude in your job, or your partner, for example. Or if it means taking time for yourself and doing things that honor your sense of peace, if it means organizing your life and prioritizing things and setting boundaries around things that are not honoring your needs and creating more space for yourself. 

Repeat this mantra, “I can do this, I am worthy of honoring my time and needs, I am capable of anything, I chose to see this moment as a lesson and I choose to rise and learn this lesson with gratitude for the opportunity to heal.”

Be clear about what you want and choose in your life. Journal, meditate, run or do whatever you feel helps you get clarity in these times. Once you have clarity, take action and trust that each small step forward is growth. I believe in you and know you can overcome anything that you are currently facing! You got this!

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