The Courage of Transformation

The Courage of Transformation

Transformation can create many feelings inside, even if this transformation has been something you have been desiring. It can tug on all your insecurities, and fears. It can feel very uncomfortable and stir up all those inner children. These inner children seek comfort in the known space inside of them, which creates feelings of anxiety. 

The trick is to begin to calm their anxiety, through holding space for them as well as being clear with what you want. Through these practices, you can learn how to accept what is and roll with the gifts being offered to you as they come. By gifts, I mean learning lessons. It's important to shift your mindset to see each moment through the lens of love and a lesson. Removing judgment, and attachments. 

No more hiding, trust your own inner guidance as your teacher and guide. Whenever you hit a crossroad and feel lost, lean into the feeling. What is it that is coming up for you? Do you need to hold yourself accountable for what is necessary in order to shift? Is there fear? What is the fear? Is there an old belief system that must be looked at, and cleared? 

Then work through each process step-by-step:

  1. Shift your focus within and turn toward finding truth.

  2. Tell others what you need.

  3. Keep creating even if it feels challenging or unclear.

  4. The second you hit a block of resistance be prepared to make a decision of growth and forward movement or staying where you are.

  5. Separate from your old space as much as possible, energetically emotionally and physically. 

  6. Don’t deny yourself this joy of your growth, learning and transformation although can have pure moments of rawness and fear of the unknown it can also be joyous and freeing see it in this frame of mind as much as you can. 

  7. Honor any comforts you may need with gentleness and love.

  8. Don’t judge the process.

  9. Use positive words to give yourself reassurance and know you are worthy of this shift.

Trust yourself above all things, trust you can hold it, trust you will be safe in the process, and trust you are worthy of this! Go fight for what you want, and stand in your courage! You got this!

Opening Our Heart Space

Opening Our Heart Space

Interview with Jacqueline on CanvasRebel

Interview with Jacqueline on CanvasRebel