Dear Beautiful Person — Gather & Grow OC
Dear Beautiful Person

Dear Beautiful Person

Dear Beautiful Person Reading This,

I want to take a moment to affirm your fierceness that’s beating within you. Sometimes it’s tough to see ourselves as a whole –full of all these chapters, stories, and experiences.

For a moment, let’s compare you to an incredible tree. Each year, trees add a new layer to their being –the oldest rings are near the center, and the newer wood is on the outer part. During growing seasons, light-colored rings form. When growth slows down in colder months, the wood becomes a darker color. 

What’s within your tree rings?

As you get older, what wisdom have you collected? What do you wish to collect more of? What experiences have you traced into your maps? If you could split open and allow others to read how you’ve grown, what would your story say?

Would they show all the adventures you’ve had…the love you’ve experienced…the tears you’ve shed, and the laughter you’ve inspired? You have so much to share with the world. I hope that with each new day, when the sun continues to find you, your roots are nourished with warmth and love.


Note: this letter was sent to CSUF's LGBTQRC as part of the care packages sent to the LGBT Center LA to give out to homeless/low-income LGBTQ seniors living in the LA area.

Episode 09 of Lightcast | Suicide: Learning the Risk Factors and Warning Signs to End the Stigma

Episode 09 of Lightcast | Suicide: Learning the Risk Factors and Warning Signs to End the Stigma

