A Letter to Those Struggling with Pregnancy and Fertility

A Letter to Those Struggling with Pregnancy and Fertility

To all the women out there who are struggling with getting pregnant and going through fertility treatments, I want you to know you are not alone and everything you are feeling is understandable. Have compassion for yourself during this process. This isn’t an easy process to go through and it can sometimes feel frustrating. I know your body is feeling like it is going through so much with no results and it can be overwhelming to constantly take action and steps forward toward the next treatment without having to first process or sit with the feeling of a loss.

I want to acknowledge you in this journey and your strength and courage in this process. You have a deep desire to build your family and connect to your child and this keeps pushing you forward even when you feel like giving up. You are incredibly resilient and in your divine feminine power. This is the exact thing that already makes you an incredible mother. You are willing to sacrifice your body, your time, your own desires, and your needs for the wellbeing of your child to give your beautiful child life which is the greatest gift of all. You are already showing up for this child with unconditional love and teaching them. Showing them each day despite things not going as desired or planned, despite feeling afraid to move forward you keep pushing through with courage, and strength. I want to acknowledge what an incredible mother you already are. You are as much of a blessing to them as they are going to be to you! Focus on this space when you feel overwhelmed or are experiencing pain from this process. 

I also want to address the moments where you may have been pregnant and felt the joy and pure bliss of connecting with your child inside you only to find out it didn’t take and experienced a loss. The heaviness and pain that come from experiencing this loss is unimaginable to those who have not experienced this and are different for everyone in how they feel and cope with this loss. Know it is ok to grieve this loss, hold space for this and process this in a way that honors your journey. For this is not easy to connect with all that joy and feel this connection to your child and have it be taken away from you. I send you all lots of love and healing in these moments. Ask for what you need to support you through this. Create space and honor things that will assist you in feeling comforted and safe.

I know this can be challenging due to the fast pace of fertility treatments. Know you are not alone in this journey, trust it is ok to honor your feelings of loss and still move forward in your fertility treatments. Know it is safe to hold space for both emotions excitement and sadness of the loss. When you think about the loss acknowledge and honor the feelings that come up, once you do this, it allows for those feelings to heal and you can shift your feelings to the excitement and optimistic space of the fertility treatments working this cycle. Believe in your own connection to your child and trust in the divine timing. Remember you are already showing up for your child. You are incredibly resilient and in your power in your divine feminine power. You are strong, loving, and compassionate. Show yourself all the love you need to empower yourself through this. You deserve great happiness and love in your life! I believe in you!

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