Letter to the Awakening

Letter to the Awakening

Letter to the Awakening (2).png


 You are not alone. You may be going through your life and experiencing every day normally; then suddenly, you may feel sick and bombarded with emotions and energies that may not be yours. You feel things and sense things that may be otherworldly, and it is scary. You may even see things or have anxiety attacks and panic attacks from nowhere and have little snippets of visions, but you don’t know what they are or who they are from. 

You may be feeling stuck in your life and feel like you have no purpose. You may even be questioning your being right now. You may feel alone and fear that no one will understand what you are going through. With everything going on in the world right now, you may even feel like there is no hope. The world is being run by fear, and through this, many people are awakening to their own experiences of sorrows and trauma in life, but many are also awakening to their soul’s voice, and it hurts. Your soul is shaking you to your core, and it hurt so much that it may manifest physically in your body. 

Some of you may think you are going crazy or that something is wrong with you. I would like to tell you that you are not. What you are going through is just a part of the process of your soul’s growth. 

I always felt alone, especially at the beginning of my journey, because no one talked about these things, and learning to navigate it took time but I learned so much and have a clear understanding of the journey. I am not the first nor the last to experience this. I would like to validate your experience, because spirituality and how encompassing it is in being human isn’t talked about as much and how the journey in itself is such a humbling experience.

 When I realized how many other people were going through these experiences, it became my purpose to share the knowledge I have cultivated to assist and give clarity as people navigated their journeys. 

You don’t have to navigate this alone!

I would like to offer a little protection meditation tool to you when you feel overwhelmed with sensing things or the experiences you are having begin to feel scary because they are new and unknown.

      Get yourself in a comfortable position and close your eyes.

     Imagine a warm light on top of your head and slowly spread it through and around your body, just like creating a bubble around you. 

Set your intention of protection for yourself that no other energies could tamper with yours and to protect what is yours and yours alone. 

Do this for about 3-5 minutes.

Your journey may and will look different from mine, but there are the same lessons and levels we are all trying to learn and pass.  I would like for you not to feel alone. If you are struggling to navigate these experiences, please reach out for support. 

Our souls and spirits are clamoring to grow and the work may not be unchallenging and smooth, but it is the most exciting and worthwhile work you will ever do. 

With much love,

Iris (Therese)

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