Opening Your Heart to Love

Opening Your Heart to Love


How many of you often say you wish to connect to others and feel lonely?

So often we find ourselves wanting love from others but due to a lack of love and trust in the universe, we don’t allow this love to come forward in our lives. There is fear: fear of the unknown, fear of getting hurt, or even fear of success and happiness.

Truly allowing yourself to be open to love, means surrendering to the path of the universe and what is for your highest good. It takes a leap of faith. It’s about allowing yourself to receive and knowing you are worthy of these gifts that are coming your way. It’s about expanding your energy and the space you are willing to take up in this beautiful world. Imagine if you choose to allow the universe to remove anything that wasn’t for your highest good and replace it with overflowing abundance.

Imagine if you trusted completely in the universe and choose to honor yourself rather than letting old beliefs prevent you from moving forward. Imagine if you lit your life up with expansion in the infinite possibilities that it holds. When you trust, you will begin to see life take a path that is more precious than you can envision for yourself. 

A Few Steps to Help You Open Your Heart to Love

  1. Write down beliefs that prevent you from opening your heart (e.g. I am afraid to get hurt, I am not where I want to be yet in life, I am unworthy of that partner, etc.).

  2. Write down where each belief came from.

  3. Decide is it the truth? Is it my belief or someone else’s belief I took on as my own? Is it serving me to hold onto this belief? Is it something I wish to hold onto or get rid of?

    1. Make a commitment to yourself to let go of the beliefs that are no longer serving you and begin to open your heart to the infinite possibilities of love. 

    2. Wake up each day and repeat this mantra: “I open my heart to receive love and allow the universe to guide me in the path that is for my highest good”.  

Make a commitment to practice this for 30 days and see how your life shifts! Open Your Heart to Love, believe in the infinite power that comes from trusting! I believe in you!

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