Team GGOC is Growing!
we're growing!.png

Hello dear ones, 

We know that the world continues to hold many challenges, but can we pause to say how utterly impressed we are with how everyone is taking care of themselves? Yes, that’s you! 

Truly, we continue to sit in reverence of this little community of growers that we’ve gathered! And we’re excited to announce that we’re, once again, growing! 

The GGOC family is excited to announce our newest team members! Stephanie Gast (She/Her) is our Anxiety, Human Sexuality, & Life Transition Specialist, and Monique Valle (She/Her) is our Sexual Trauma & Resiliency Specialist - both are currently accepting new clients into their caseloads! 

We appreciate everyone’s grace as all of our clinicians’ schedules have ebbed and flowed. Please know that we think very carefully on how many journeys we can fully honor, which means that we always try to help you get to the best fit even if it’s not with someone on our team. 

With the addition of Stephanie and Monique, we’re excited to be able to expand the brave space we can offer to our communities to keep healing and growing with us! Stay tuned to our social media as we re-introduce our team and update with everyone’s availability! No time like the Spring to take a breath and get some support moving towards our most congruent selves! 

In growth and gratitude,

Traci & Jacqueline

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