Intuition and Motherhood

Intuition and Motherhood

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Following your intuition is key as an individual, but especially as you begin your journey to motherhood. There are so many decisions you make as a parent with the pregnancy, and how you want to parent your child. There are so many books with advice, plus the opinions of your friends, family, and loved ones, that it can be a challenge to navigate with your partner and find what works best for you both. 

Creating space for your own ability to shift through all this will allow you to reduce your anxiety and flow in a space of trust. Your intuition is a way to do this. It is that little thing that tells you: I should call my mom or a specific friend for example and sure enough they are going through something at that moment or thinking of you or end up saying the exact thing you needed to hear at that moment. 

Intuition is that feeling of “I shouldn’t take the train today, but walk instead” and maybe you find out the train was stalled or you end up needing to ground yourself and end up enjoying the walk. Intuition is that thing that tells you to eat more berries or take an extra immune booster this week and sure enough, you find out later you were overly busy or around someone who had a cold, etc. These are all ways our intuition talks to us and if we choose to listen will guide us through our lives with ease.

Steps to listening to your intuition:

  1. Be present with yourself (slow down, and focus on each moment rather than worrying about 10 steps ahead)

  2. If something doesn’t feel right, honor this ( in conversation, with plans, in relationships)

  3. Release attachment (it can be challenging to hear clearly our internal guidance when we are attached to the outcome)

  4. If you hear that voice inside of you telling you something choose to listen to it and become aware of how listening made you feel or impacted your day or the outcome differently. With each intuitive moment you choose to listen to and have a positive understanding behind it this begins to give you a confirmation and build your trust in your intuition.

Beginning to practice this before parenthood will help you connect more with yourself and be attuned with your child and will create an easier flow in your parenting. There is a lot of unknown variables as a parent and in moments when your child is crying or you find yourself not sure of what to do, your anxiety can rise.

If you have the tools to be more mindful, however, and can be present and listen to your intuition, this will allow you to flow through those moments with more clarity and trust. For those of you who are already parents, it is never too late to begin this journey in creating a more centering space for your family in the decisions you make. Work with your partner/s to build this together - people tuned into their intuition is a powerful gift and will beautifully connect you both.

I believe in you all! Go out and practice that intuition, the gift you were born with! Create that firm foundation to build on in creating or beginning to expand your family through healthy mental health practices. 

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