Finding Your Inner Light During the Holidays

Finding Your Inner Light During the Holidays

With holidays coming up, it can bring up a lot of stress, insecurities, and fears. I want to take a moment to honor your feelings in all of this and let you know this is normal. Family is not always easy - they are our greatest teachers and biggest lessons, so it’s natural to feel anxious around the holidays.

Please take time and space to acknowledge your feelings and honor what you need. We tend to shrink ourselves when we are triggered around our family. Please know you are a bright soul, you are worthy of the whole world to see you through love, including yourself. You have an inner strength that has brought you to exactly where you are now, you survived so much in your life, you have moved mountains to be where you are now no matter where you are in your current path.

Please know you are exactly where you need to be right now and fearlessly move forward in honoring what you already know within, deep within you. After you peel away the years of stories from society, from your loved ones, from your relationships, I want you to shed all those layers back and allow yourself to see your inner truth for who you are. You are loved. You are light. You are faith. You are bliss. You are creative. You are grateful. You are brave. You are radiant. You are courageous. You are loving. You are loved. 

I want you to sit with yourself for a moment close your eyes, take a deep breath, play some calming music, connect within your soul. Call your soul forward and ask to be shown your truth, your light. Then I want you to visualize all those old stories and memories that no longer serve you, physically shredding off of you. Visualize all the pressure of society and your family and literally pick them all up and push them outside of your Ora, and allow them to drift further and further away as the words get quieter and less valuable. Keep doing this until you hear nothing but your own truth, your own words of love. Push all that garbage out, it isn’t your truth let it go! I believe in you and your inner light and strength! You got this! BELIEVE! 

Once you released all the old stories and shed those layers, connect with your love. Feel the warmth all over your body and in your heart, and hands and feel the comfort of receiving all this joy and bliss and fill your soul with your truth. You are loved. You are light. You are faith. You are bliss. You are creative. You are grateful. You are brave. You are radiant. You are courageous. You are loving. You are loved. You are an amazing mother, father, daughter, brother, co-worker, employee. You are a brilliant creator, You can take up space in this world because we all want to see you! I see you! You see you!

 Walk into this holiday radiating this light, which is your own inner truth! Every time you start to fall back a little and forget, briefly dismiss yourself from a situation (if possible), find a space to be alone, and take a few breaths and bring yourself back to this mediation be expansive! You are worthy of your light and your space!

With gratitude,


Episode 07 of Lightcast Now Available for Streaming

Episode 07 of Lightcast Now Available for Streaming

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