Setting Boundaries Spiritually

Setting Boundaries Spiritually

Boundaries not only in the physical realm but also in the spiritual.

We tend to focus on physical, emotional and mental well being but forget that another important component that also needs to be tended to is the spiritual. If you are currently exploring and processing awakened state, I would like to offer you some things I have learned in my work. We sometimes forget to do intentional protective work, which is essential in continuing your exploration safely. Protective work can translate as boundaries in the spiritual realm as well.

If boundaries are something that you are currently working on in the physical realm then it will be something that you can absolutely practice energetically. For example, if you are leveling up in your gifts and have been making strides in meditation you may notice that more spirits, vivid dreams and energies start to make contact. This is because you have leveled up and now is being noticed more, I want to let you know that you have control and choice in this. Maybe you have an interview the next day and want to get a good night's sleep but are worried that you would be visited during the night and don’t know what to do. Here is something you can practice: You can connect to source and visualize protective light, set an intention such as, “As I go to sleep let there be no other energies that can tamper with mine, allow only light beings and protect me in this space.”

Intentional work is very important, When you meditate, always open up with intentionality and remember to also close your work intentionally. Your words have power. You are light and the work you do is precious. 

Much love and light always,

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