BLM Mental Health Offerings

BLM Mental Health Offerings


Dear friends, 


We’re in awe of you. As the world sits at this intersection of deep wounding, and as you continue your own healing work, we’ve seen so many of you step out of your individual trauma, step into your power, and step up to the conversation about what needs to be changed. And for those inhabiting this place of dialogue around anti-blackness, institutionalized racism, and systemic violence that still feels too uncomfortable to bear, we see you too. As we’ve mentioned before, the world is stretching, growing, and evolving, and we’re being challenged to do that as well. No matter where you are in this journey we invite you to reach out for support. We need all of you. 

All lives cannot matter until BLACK LIVES MATTER. 

We know that while there is great beauty in these moments of transition, that struggle of this depth and intensity can also wreak havoc on our minds, bodies, hearts, and spirits. We want you to know that we’re here for you, continuing to do our own work to serve you. Confidential therapycoachingsupport groups, and energetic & spiritual healing are available remotely through secure telehealth platforms.

And if you’re a potential BIPOC client and feel that it is important for you to see your identity reflected in your mental health journey, we wholeheartedly encourage you to find that space even if it’s not with us. We’re donating funds to the Loveland Foundation and encourage you to the same if you are able to do so. Please visit their website to learn more about them and reach out to them or us here at GGOC if you need support. 

In struggle and hope, 
Jacqueline & Traci

We're in the process of collecting as many BLM mental health resources as possible. We found a great list from and here are a few of the highlights from that list. Have any you'd like to share with everyone? Email us directly at 

Choose Happiness

Choose Happiness

Actively Sitting with this Query:  how do we unsettle the dynamics of power...?

Actively Sitting with this Query: how do we unsettle the dynamics of power...?