Choose Happiness

Choose Happiness

Have you ever just felt like so many shifts were happening all at once in your life and you didn’t know how to cope?

It is normal to feel uncomfortable when life begins to shift, it's the unknown, its new, its lack of control, it can be very scary! I speak to you from working on myself and cultivating a safe space within. I want you to know there is always going to be some ebb and flow, but I have found rewarding ways to meet these cycles in my own life, and want to empower you to find this for yourself as well!

Have you ever noticed when you are having a really great day, magically the sky looks more blue, the flowers that you saw yesterday seem to have more of a glow to them, and people seem to be more friendly? Well it’s not just them that has changed, it's your perception! You have decided to live in a present and happier space within you that day and this impacts the ways in which you see things!

Below are some ways to cultivate this happier space so you can interact more positively with the world: 

  • Take back the power in your life, stop blaming others for your own unhappiness. You get to pick how you want to be in each moment. 

    • It is important to change the way we see things happening. Instead of saying “ why is this happening to me?”, ask yourself “why is this happening, what is the lesson I am being given?”

  • As challenges arise, you get to decide how you want to deal with each of them: the more you flow with these challenges rather than resist you will find more bliss in your life. 

  • You have the strength to decide who you want to be in life. Life will have its flows, honor your emotions and flow with them, but then choose how you want to interact with what life is throwing at you. 

  • You can choose to rise, or you can choose to swim in tension, anxiety, anger, sadness, hurt ect. Rise with life, choose to live in peace, rise in anger and resentment, leave it behind and choose to believe in a better way of living your life. 

    • Instead of getting angry when something doesn’t go your way, ask yourself “is there a way to express my needs with love?”, or “is this something I need to die on the hill for?” Choose what is important to you, not just what you want control over.

    •  Instead of saying “They always do this to me”, say “why do I let them treat me this way?”. You decide who is in your life, how others treat you, and what you want to allow into your space. 

  • Every time we try a new way of living it takes time for this to become more of a habit, so trust in this process and lean into it. Make a decision to live your life for you and do this more fully. 

  • Decide today I will be happy and flow with life. Just allow it, choose it one day at a time, one step at a time. 

  • Honor yourself, you may make this commitment in the beginning and maybe it only lasts for a few hours, or half a day but just keep trying. You can do this, it is like exercising a muscle, you have to keep at it and eventually this muscle gets stronger and stronger and remembers how to do this

  • Keep track of when you choose to be happy and make small goals for yourself. Reward yourself for meeting the small goals and keep increasing the amount of time you have been happy. It is ok to have a few great days and then a difficult one. New day, new experience, just keep going.

Create your own happiness. I Believe in you all! You Got this! Go embrace life and live it fully! Feel empowered to know you can create your own sacred space, your own happiness in life. Believe in the magic of life and your own abilities to create your own happiness!

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What does this mean for us?

BLM Mental Health Offerings

BLM Mental Health Offerings