Being Mindful About Mindfulness — Gather & Grow OC
Being Mindful About Mindfulness

Being Mindful About Mindfulness

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Life can be so fast paced and stressful, sometimes we aren’t mindful about certain things such as what we say, do, or even experience. Mindfulness is the act of being present in the moment and being able to observe your feelings and thoughts without judgment. We can get so caught up with the million tasks and things around us we can completely stumble on our own productivity. 

So what can we do when this happens? Maybe try some mindfulness activities to help stay in the present and keep your thoughts clear. Meditation with mindfulness scripts can be a good way to keep your mind at focus and ease. Another idea is mindfully doing activities and focusing without multitasking such as eating, driving, walking, and even showering. Mindfulness breathing activities are also a good way to steady your nervous system and help you be mindful of the moment.

Here are some links to some mindfulness scripts and activities you can use to help jump start you into a more mindful life!

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