Taking Care During Social Distancing

Taking Care During Social Distancing

Taking Care during Social Distancing.png

Times are difficult and scary at the moment. We are at a time right now where social distancing and quarantine are important to keep ourselves and others safe for an undetermined amount of time. Some people may find this harder than others and some may think it’s easy, but may find it tougher than they thought. I want to take time to keep awareness of our situation and how we can take care of ourselves physically and mentally during these trying times.

When caring for ourselves the first thing that is helpful is to establish a routine for yourself. There is no set routine that is correct, but remember to try to incorporate things that will be good for you physically and mentally.

Physical needs to consider are:

  • Hygiene (showering, brushing your teeth, washing hand, shaving)

  • Feeding yourselves meals and snacks for nourishment

  • Hydrating self

  • Movement (taking a walk in your backyard, stretches, in-home exercises),

  • Any medication needs. 

Mental needs to consider are:

  • Communication (video or phone calls to friends and family)

  • Socialization (playing app games, video games, make future plans after quarantine, group movie watching)

  • Self-care (Reading a book, watching shows or movies, start on a project at home, sewing, meditation, and etc)

  • Therapy (telehealth).

Other needs to consider are: Caring for a pet or person, how media and social media affects you, and maintaining distance from areas and how that affects loved ones and others.

When establishing a routine for yourself with these things in mind it can help us through this distressing time. It may be difficult at first, but once we get acclimated in a healthy routine it can make the time pass a little easier. I hope everyone can stay safe and take care. 

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