Back in the Flow

Back in the Flow

Whether or not you or someone in your family is going back to school, we all feel the change in routine this time of year. Seeing buses and carpool pick-up lines where there used to be nearly empty roads has a familiarity to it that winds down summer. Maybe you’re finally able to dump that summer job and get back into campus life. It doesn’t feel like fall is around the corner, but the carefree, stay-up-late energy of summer will all too quickly slip into twilight rides home and a call to coziness. Like it or not, the summer energy is changing. How can we flow with it rather than fight against it? 


  • Build a routine. This can feel overwhelming, especially if you add too many goals all at once. Trying to fit everything into a single day feels impossible, because so little of it is habitual. Adding to your routine in stages can help you be more successful than trying to start completely from scratch. 

  • Balance hard work with recovery time. Often, we set really high goals for ourselves to reach before we allow ourselves to take a break. Instead, try to think of breaks as a chance for your mind to recover from the work you’re doing so that when you go back to it, you feel recharged and ready instead of tired and frustrated.

  • Make time every day for yourself. When we start adding activities, it’s really easy to feel overscheduled. Always needing to be here, getting ready to go there, back to back to back. Starting or ending your day with a chunk of time that is just for you to be, with nothing required of you gives separation to your days and can help with getting going or winding down.

Making time for ourselves is often the hardest part! If it feels overwhelming, start small. Giving yourself a time limit - even setting a timer - can help you build in these healthy breaks without stressing about fitting them in.

Here are some great activities you can do in 5 minutes or less that can have a surprising impact on your mindset:

  • Pick a favorite song and do nothing other than sing or dance along. 

  • Make a cup of tea or coffee and take the time to sip it without scrolling your phone.

  • Go outside and notice 3 things that intrigue you. Maybe your neighbor planted new flowers or there’s a funky license plate you’re trying to decipher. 

  • Move your body - gently stretch or shake out any part that feels stiff or cranky.

  • Think of 5 things you are grateful for. Say them out loud to yourself, then say thank you.

  • Deep breaths. Inhale through your nose while silently counting to 5, then exhale through your nose while counting to 7. Try to do 10-15 rounds of breath. Making your exhale longer than your inhale helps to relax your mind and feel more grounded. 

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