Ready or Not, Here Change Comes!

Ready or Not, Here Change Comes!

This past week, I moved houses.

You may not always seek change, but sometimes change seeks you. Life is a series of chapters. Life transition is not the end, but rather the movement from one chapter to another– as one closes, another begins. This movement can be emotionally difficult. 

So how do we cope with life’s transitions? A loss of a loved one, a rupture of friendship, a change of jobs, or maybe even moving houses. With any loss comes grief. Pain. It’s only natural to try and avoid it, to feel the need to “get over it and move on.” But what if, instead of avoiding, we allow ourselves to experience grief in all its rich layers? Grief is informative. It teaches us what we are attached to, what we feel is important and what matters to us. 

These transitions are times to gather information. Might we make space for an intentional pause during all this movement? In that pause, might we identify opportunities that the transition is offering? What becomes clearer? What transforms? Intentional pauses make space for acceptance, make time to work through and incorporate change.

Change, as overwhelming as it may be, is also a call to new meaning and purpose.

Change clarifies our values.

Change is inevitable.

So rather than cling to the cozy familiarity of what was, might we explore what is and celebrate the exhilaration of where change takes us?

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