Moving Forward Into the New Year — Gather & Grow OC
Moving Forward Into the New Year

Moving Forward Into the New Year

As we’re moving into Spring, it’s around this time when we start contemplating the year so far. We look back at what happened last year and think about how we want to move forward with our lives, what we can improve, what we want to change, and even fun things to experience. I was watching The Fall of House of Usher, and it mentioned resolutions have the definition to resolve - which has connotations of being unwavering, determined, or inspire a firm commitment to do something or not to do something. This made me think that this might be why people feel so let down when they don’t complete resolutions.

When a new year begins, people tend to make resolutions to motivate change and create goals for the year. I think it’s always good to motivate yourself, but it’s important to think about a couple of things to not stress yourself out. Goals and resolutions are supposed to motivate us and if people get to the end of the year without completing them, they tend to feel a sense of failure. In order to feel like we’re moving forward and toward our goals, I think it’s ok to accept that even if we don’t complete those goals we can take small steps towards them and eventually get to the end.

Some things to think about are:

1. Are your goals reasonable and fair to you?

2. Don’t overwhelm yourself with expectations that might be too high.

3. Be ok with not completing some, or sometimes all, of those goals or aspirations. Think about how even if you start and don’t finish, they can be baby steps you are taking towards them.

4. If you realize the thing you want to accomplish is something that may take longer, it is okay to push the deadline, if possible.

5. Prioritize things that make sense to you whether there's a time limit, importance, ease, etc.

6. Do one thing at a time. Do not spread yourself too thin or overwhelm yourself. If you have to pause something to do something else that takes priority, just pause and come back to it.

7. Be mindful that if you are hard on yourself, have grace and understanding with yourself. Be mindful that if you don’t finish, you’re not a failure, and it’s ok to feel frustrated with yourself a bit, but try to use that to motivate yourself rather than to put yourself down which might lead to you feeling stuck.

8. Try viewing the year as a time frame to work on something and not to complete something.

9. Utilize resources to help you. Whether you need tools to help you stay on goal task or even support from friends and family to help you out physically or mentally with goals.

These are just some things to help when you want to work on aspirations and goals for the year to make sure you don’t feel discouraged and more motivated and supported when working through things you want to accomplish.

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