Wound Care: Episode 1

Wound Care: Episode 1

In the first installment of Wound Care, we practice grounding, centering, and facing our wounds. While not all of our wounds are physical, they are all stored in our bodies. And just as an untreated physical wound can fester so can our emotional ones.

This first 15-minute segment invites practitioners to start the work of peeling back the band-aid and addressing what is tender directly. It encourages neutral exploration and gentle release through breath and mindful visualization.

Wound Care is presented every Friday in May for Mental Health Awareness Month from Gather and Grow OC Co-Director, Traci Medeiros-Bagan (she/they). They host the series on Instagram Live from 9-915am PDT on @CompassionateRevolt.

Follow @GatherandGrowOC on IG for more information as well!

Mental Health Check-In

Mental Health Check-In

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month