Wound Care: Episode 2

Wound Care: Episode 2

In Episode 1 of Wound Care, we peeled back the bandaid to face our tenderness. Wound Care Episode 2 invites the seeker into further exploration and questioning alongside gentle movement. It opens up a conversation with our most tender spots so that we may get to know the process of asking ourselves what it is that we need to heal.

Wound Care is presented every Friday in May for Mental Health Awareness Month from Gather and Grow OC Co-Director, Traci Medeiros-Bagan (she/they). They host the series on Instagram Live from 9-915am PDT on @CompassionateRevolt.

Follow @GatherandGrowOC on IG for more information as well!

Wound Care: Episode 3

Wound Care: Episode 3

Honoring Your Mental Health as a Mother

Honoring Your Mental Health as a Mother