A Letter to Who Will Listen: Supporting a Movement

A Letter to Who Will Listen: Supporting a Movement

A letter to who will listen_ Supporting a movement.png

A lot is going on in our world right now. Most importantly a movement that revolves around the black community. This is a letter to address everyone who is willing to listen or just wants to see what they can do to help out and be an ally.

If you feel uncomfortable about the things that are happening then good. There are a lot of disturbing things happening that need to be addressed and fixed in our system. Sit with the discomfort and I would like you to just put yourself in the shoes of those people who have felt this all their whole lives. When we feel discomfort in our bodies that's a sign of things need to change for the better. 

I encourage you to try to understand the suffering and frustration of the black community who are affected by this event and what we can do to support the ideology that they matter and their lives matter.

It’s ok to take a break from social media if it’s a bit overwhelming, but also don’t turn a blind eye to what’s going on. 

If you want to help out know your limits, but also open your heart to try to help in some way to facilitate the idea that we all as human beings deserve equality. If you don’t want to protest due to COVID then you can donate. If you don’t have money to donate and support black-owned businesses then sign petitions. Help give the black community their platform so their voices can be heard. 

Black lives should matter and at the end of the day they do matter. 

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