Health in the New Year

Health in the New Year

Happy January, Growers,

Well, it finally happened. After two years of distancing, masking, isolating, and doing all the sanitizing possible, I caught a cold recently. In the last two years, any tickle in the throat or unexplained sneeze was enough to bring up (valid) fears of COVID but thankfully this run-of-the-mill cold is all that managed to worm its way past my immune system (and thankfully I'm feeling much better now). 

It’s different experiencing illness in a post-pandemic world. The ability to quarantine, protect those around me from infection and the ease at which I’ve been able to adjust has been a relief in an otherwise frustrating time (I forgot what a luxury breathing through my nose can be).

My main symptoms hit hard the other weekend, so I was quickly back to seeing clients, but with a renewed perspective. In therapy, the work we do is like having a cold no one can see. No one knows what we are going through on the inside because from the outside we seem fine. But internally, we are crying for a sick day, a break from the exhausting work, a chance to lounge in bed and watch The Price is Right (hey, does anyone know how to stream that?), a need for extra hydration, and fuzzy socks.

So this is my reminder to my clients, to you readers, and to myself. Don’t wait for a virus to take a break. You are already doing hard work, and you don’t need an excuse for extra rest. If you need extra support during this time, don't be afraid to ask for it. Our team is here and ready to support you through it. 

Sending love and health,


Episode 08 of Lightcast | Exploring Disney’s Encanto: Illuminating Common Family Roles

Episode 08 of Lightcast | Exploring Disney’s Encanto: Illuminating Common Family Roles

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