The Slow Down

The Slow Down

Nature does not hurry yet everything gets accomplished - Lao Tzu

In the middle of a busy day, I have found myself hurriedly gravitating towards the espresso machine in need of some caffeine. In getting the machine started and patiently waiting for it to heat up to the right temperature, I took a big deep breath and realized that I needed a moment to slow down. We are so used to rushing and making sure we are productive and may sometimes feel like we will never get anything done.  Why was I rushing in the first place? You see, I sometimes forget to practice slowing down too.

What is busy anyway? In our society today there is an association between being busy and success and wealth. There is a message that is being sent that if you aren’t busy and productive then you are doing something wrong. Which I really don’t think is true, like the quote states above nature doesn’t rush and still everything gets accomplished, the espresso machine doesn’t rush and at the end of the day we still get our coffee in the perfect temperature.

We as humans are deserving of compassion, empathy and to have our needs met and slowing down is a good way of connecting with ourselves. If it takes practice and effort to slow down then isn’t it also productive?

If you notice yourself getting overwhelmed and frustrated this is a good time to practice slowing down, take a big deep breath and ask yourself “what do I need right now?” Is it taking a break, getting some water?

 Take time for yourself and know that you will accomplish what you need in good time. 

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