Chat With Our Directors About Gather & Grow OC

Chat With Our Directors About Gather & Grow OC

Hey Growers!

We’re so excited to be moving towards opening up our new space!!! (More exciting info on our grand opening very soon— sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page to stay tuned!)

In the meantime, we want to share a bit more about Gather and Grow’s intention to the wellness of our community. In this video we sit down to talk about our central philosophy, our commitment to sustainable mental health and invite you to come check us out! We hope that you’ll watch and share with those you think might also want to be part of the budding Gather and Grow OC community!

With excitement,

Jacqueline & Traci

Gather & Grow OC’s Founding Directors

**Psst… if you’re looking for private yoga and/or individual or couples therapy, you don’t have to wait for the expansion! Feel free to reach out to get started now!

We're Working Hard Setting Up Shop!

We're Working Hard Setting Up Shop!

We're hiring!!!

We're hiring!!!